my grandma Mariia witnessed Holodomor when she was a child.

she told a lot of truly gruesome stories to my dad only after fucking ussr fell apart. Mariia passed away in her 95.

my dad drew a cycle of artworks ‘Розгойдані дзвони памʼяті’ dedicated to Holodomor. here is a few:

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Today is Holodomor Remembrance Day.

This haunting painting (1933 by Victor Tsymbal) captures the suffering of the Ukrainian nation.

It depicts the ascent into heaven of a mother and her child.

Poles were also hard-hit as 50.000 Poles living in Ukraine lost their lives.

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Valeriy Franchuk has painted many paintings depicting holodomor. The last time I was in Kyiv I got to see them in person. I hope nothing happens to them and they remain intact

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“1933”-a famous masterpiece about the Holodomor – a mother with child ascending to Heaven - created by Ukrainian artist Viktor Tsymbal. The painting is now at the Museum of the Holodomor Genocide in Kyiv.

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Give Menchies a break, they spend their early life dodging being eaten as an emergency food supply every day, and now free of that unironic communists want to Holodomor them for the sin of having a name that sounds like some stupid internet shit nobody cares about. 😒

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RTW Maybe?Visit a KZ sometime -- or pick up a book about Holodomor -- and get back to me. ……

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