Not going to lie I was sweating a little bit when Calli started talking about Holotalk.

12 169

Otsu! That was a speedy episode of HoloTalk. I’m glad you and Haachama had fun! ❤️🧡

0 2

Thanks for the stream, boss!! You were all quite adorable, and thanks to that, not only InAme, you almost killed me with TakaMori overdose. Don't worry and have some rest on your 2 days off, you will need it to face God later at Holotalk.

Happy Birbday once again!! Love you!!!

2 77

Ton of progress on this one. The line is from
The question was do you have some wisdom or advice that you would like to leave behind for the other members.

That was nice. Finished the karaoke, that was amazing!
Thanks Coco

4 6

[Meme] JP-Bro question from Twitter for the upcoming Holotalk.

12 78

I've been a Rosetai for a very long time and still learned a lot from Aki's Holotalk. Thank you so much for persevering in Hololive and I hope you have as much fun as we do.

My Reddit:

6 23