Happy birthday.. TO ME! (Yes, it is my yearly birthday card to myself!) How am I going to celebrate? Eat cakes and snacks 😂🎉🎂 Same procedure as every year (+ animal crossing party!)🌟

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So i start assisting at homebirths again in a month. If you have the means please donate for NYC Midwives to get N-95 mask and PPE https://t.co/W88ikNFlUs

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Nonostante sia pratica naturale dalla notte dei tempi c’è oggi molta ignoranza sul tema. Non sono donne incoscienti quelle che scelgono di partorire in casa, sono donne che si affidano al proprio corpo, alle proprie ostetriche e al proprio nido. 🤱🏻🏡

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I have 12 little mouselings says Emmie faMouse 4 her in http://t.co/OyxSlD7N6Z All

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