🔥💚LET’S GO💚🔥 ‘Oblivion Gin’ Chapter 8 is posted! 😈We are on the homestretch, there’s only ONE chapter left of this story. Ch 8 art by the crazy-talented Wooserr. Read it here! Pls feed me kudos & comment love. I’m starving😭 https://t.co/BQ9YKZspaa

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We’re at the homestretch, baby! Only 100 more followers until the big 1K. Pretty nuts if you ask me. Anyways, this bookmark feature is pretty hilarious and I decided to see which post has the most of em and…

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Long before they reached the top of the homestretch, he knew he had a ton of horse beneath him. It was as if Crown Pride was just waiting to be asked. When he did ask, the fleet-footed colt exploded beneath him. The race was never in doubt. Pencil and watercolor on card stock.

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Revenge of the Gluttonous Blue Princess

Ember's Notes: "Don't get too comfortable, you snugly lard balls! We are now at the homestretch, so y'all BETTER not let me down! Also… can you two make room for me…? Not that I'd mind or anything…."

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