Spoiler //

Yeeee they now finally met!!

Well i have to say i feel so Funny for our jihoon 🤣 first haesoo and now professor ahaha his way to get woojoo is still long.

13 232

// Second Male lead (?)

POV: collects husband poses that will not be chosen 🧑‍🏫💦 but i choose you babe 🤨🧑‍🍼

25 374

Spoiler //

Its more like Jihoon and professor relationship is a '' business partner ''
And just jihoon being so happy when he was on phone with woojo 🤣 he even don't care about professor.

Jihoon '' Yeah. I'm going to marry him (woojoo) ''

19 261

ตอนแรกในโปสเตอร์จะนึกว่าจะเป็นสามเศร้าแย่งน้องอูจูกันนะ แต่ตอนนี้ชักเริ่มไม่แน่ใจแล้ว เทอดูสายตาอันล้ำลึกที่มองไปทางจีฮอนสิ 😳

51 76

the way this man looks while Jiheon is talking with Wooju…. he wants Jiheon’s undivided attention!!!!

0 25

Yo: amix no te vayas a ilusionar tan rápido.

Pero en su mente: 😂😂


1 38

Just talking about Wooju makes his eyes light up 💛💛💛


3 83

🥴Nueva debilidad 2D con gafas🫣
😱Descubre por qué Jiheon está tan sorprendido en el nuevo capítulo de Honey Trouble: https://t.co/AqX81t171x

de en

65 864

😚 延长+复刻(以后这几张就不传啦 需要的就去印吧😌🌷

17 23

When Jihoon is not with wooju he rarely smile and arrrr he is so slay
🔥🌚 nobody can mess up with him.

Nevermind just me enjoying JIHOON VISUAL

39 587

พี่ฮันนี่คะ ได้โปรดไว้ชีวิตนุด้วย!!!

22 57

Spoiler //

Clelebrating a birthday together 💛

At first jihoon is so shock when he see wooju called him '' dear jihoon ''

🤣 Jihoon just being so much confident that wooju like him

37 286

ชอบพี่ฮันนี่ไม่ไหวแล้ว ฮือออ หล่อหวานอะไรขนาดนี้ แพ้ แพ้ไปหมดแล้ว😭💖

8 40

Wooju looks like an idol with his headband and beanie ♥️


12 89

Spoiler //

Woojioo '' what is this thing keep flowing from.....wait did you just cum inside of me? 🤣🤣

16 257