Hope and (Master) Future Chichi, the final exam.
NB Headcannon: Hope isn't learning martial arts to fight she's actually learning Wushu (performative MA)😅😋

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From YouTube collaborators , to Mr and Mrs of the anitube verse. A heartfelt congratulations to X . 😍❤️I wish you both eternal happiness and blessings. Thank you both for all the wonderful work and smiles you create. 💕

sincerely a Weeb

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Vomi: Hope, how do you think the final sequel of the trilogy should end?

: Since you haven't finished it , if I were to say anything I would be spoiling myself, 😄😊

Vomi: Umm😊 Good answer.

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Cloud-Surfing. So Hope has been playing it safe when riding the flying Nimbus but she really wanted to master it so she went back to basics and learn how to surf from her friend

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Headcannon: The clouds begin to gather
General Tao: "Good Evening Ms. Son, I hope this Evening finds you well."
Chichi : "Be quick about it General, I have little time to spare."

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Hope and Icarus: The Blind Dragon Who touched the Sun. Hope's signature technique:
The Tenryūsenko Meaning Heavenly Dragon's Flash of Light or Aka Helios

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Hope and Rei: The Hedgehog Dilemma. When you have nothing and place your hope in someone. The closer you become, the stronger your suffering will be of when you lose everything.

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Miss, aren't you gonna need a parachute!? 😳
It's ok, I have another ride on the way😊

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Hope: "You're awake, thank goodness. You're not hurt anywhere, are you? I'm really sorry that I had to play a little rough. You were on quite the rampage, I didn't know what to do. Please, be a good boy, we have to go back now.

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Saber *Blade's interpretation*: Ok Big bro, you got him on the ropes. All you need to do is look deep inside yourself and* blah, blah blah.... tatakae blah blah tatakae blah blahblah*

Blade: "Saber, practice is over.."

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The return of Monke: Hope's tail strikes. Hope had been experiencing back discomfort and so asked her little sister, Maki, to stomp away the problem. Hope was not prepared for the excruciating return of her tail

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Hope: Umm, Aunt Chichi... I was gonna eat
Umm, What are you going to do about it?
Hope: It's... it's ok, I'll just help myself to another one.
No, you must fight for it. The first person to land a hit wins

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