Little fanart of since I appreciated a lot the Pilot animation! Such cool work they made for this!!

And I liked so much Rocky! Such a crazy chara’ he can be! 👌

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*got some free time to do small fanarts*

Aaaaaaah trolltrolltrolltroll! And now our beloved Zappy Boy!

Aaaaaah, I still love sweet Zekhan! He deserves more! <3

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Been a while I wanted to create charas who can be canon’s family members!

Here’s one I imagined last year but never drawn her. Her name is Lai’ka, she’s the daughter of…

… haha! I let you guess! ;p

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What if Rayman grew older in my vision? THIS!!!!

Yessssss, some white hair, a little beard and some scars from many battles he made, haha!

*listening some nice AC Valhalla while did this*

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Oh and also… Few weeks ago, I made this random Rayman just to see…

Naaaaah, I made it very quickly, it’s full of mistakes, fzglkrsjglknrsflgnfslg!!!

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Been a while I didn’t drawn any trolls since October…

Doodled very quickly the Zanda guy from the Dragonflight cinematic, I needed to do it!!

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Did I hear the Well, got fun to make this

Here you can know me again. :)

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Someone said uh? 👀

Well, you can see again my dork face during a Medieval Faire with this hat I'll never give up! ❤️

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I… *coughs* I’m becoming addict to this daddy Knaaren now… *coughs* More I draw Reflux, more I start to love him so much… *coughs*

Aaaah I love how he turns out now this time!

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Who remember this adorable fairy? Hmm?

Just wanted to quickly draw Ly the fairy from Rayman 2 just to see how it turns out in my style… she’d been very fun to draw!

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Got this idea in my mind since a while… I needed to let this out, !

Since Kiri is like Marylin Monroe from 50’s, so why Metti can be Brigitte Bardot from 60’s.👀

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Poof! Again another sketchy of Metti meeting Rastakhan… and growing into some romance.

Aaaah I love shipping my OCs with canon characters! 🥰

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Pandaaaaaa! Yes, Hariken is one of the Jakkel’s best and crazy friends! Been a while I didn’t drawn her! :D

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NON-TROLL THERE!!! *coughs* Okay, I’ve been roleplaying with him with a friend, many changes brought to him.

I know, Basil is not an elf name but c’me on!

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Here is a completly new and recent character! Mikla, she’s an engineer, likes to learn new things among goblins BUT she’s also a shaman from the Earthen Ring.

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This one is quite new since a year but I needed to improve him/them better.

Gun’wonda, my first Drakkari troll, follower of the loa Mam’toth.

Need to work on his backstory!

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*Finally I’ll going to post one more chara per days*

You surely remember Khan’ezi the ‘’Zandarraki’’, especially that I remember he was very appreciated. :D

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First LGBT WoW chara to show you today!

Here is Ben’kata, prelate of Rezan… strong female, yeah!

⚠️Kid death in her backstory, careful!⚠️

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Counting the WoW characters I have and realized that few of them are LGBTs. I also plan to post one of them per day so you can know more about these charas.

I got so much fun to draw them all! ❤️

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