My Hourly Comics from the other day! (A thread)

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8. It's probably good we didn't order fried meat pastries for dinner.

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6. I was starting to panic around noon that I was too far behind to keep up.

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Next two the next few are gonna be dinner related so I’m gonna post them together

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5. I was so unsure I ended up calling our mom to get her opinion on *checks notes* if my brother liked hot chocolate.

The answer was an emphatic yes.

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yeah my sleep schedule is fucked LOL

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4. Most of my "planning" for the day was considering "how am I going to be able to keep up with hourlies?"
The answer: go full sketch on these pages.

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2. We have a king sized bed so we can fit two people and three greedy cats on the bed. It's barely enough room.

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bônus - close dos gatos às 3:00 da madrugada

as verdadeiras estrelas de qualquer mídia social minha: Dionísio, Hefesto e Apolo, na ordem.

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1. My goblin son is very weird. but he is snuggling in my arms as I type this.

Reuploading because the first image exported like crap.

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