Here are TOP 3 books for the week of 6/9 (in no particular order)

Karmen 4 -

DC Pride 1 -

Joker 4 -

We HIGHLY recommend picking these up!🔥

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I was late to the party with Blue In Green but I'll take every opportunity to say what a truly fantastic title it is. A fully immersive reading experience I was sucked in by the gripping writing and stunning art. I cannot recommend this enough!

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As discussed on yesterday's episode, the TOP 3 books of the week (in no particular order):

- Swamp Thing & Mike Perkins

- Marauders &

- EVE &

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Goooood morning and happy New Comic Book Day folks!

Wednesdays are THE BEST! Ahhh love that new comic book smell!

What is everyone looking forward to picking up today? Lots of amazing content as usual!

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The best day of the week for us nerds!

What are y'all most hype to pick up today? Lots of amazing content this week! 🤓😎

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Curious what our favourite books of this past week are? Well here they are in no particular order...

TOP 3 books of the week!

- Home

- Karmen

- Daredevil

Let us know what your favourites were! 😎

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Friendly reminder here is your opportunity to secure your copies of these amazing NOCTERRA exclusives BEFORE they go on sale to the public. Hit me up in the DM's before they are gone! Cheers!

Cover artists: Joseph Schmalke & Zu Orzu!! 🔥🔥

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What better day to show off my latest acquisition to the than today! It's my first commission piece & it's done by one of my favourite and hottest artists in the game right now! Thank you for this KILLER ZILLA piece! 🙌🏽🔥

It was a pleasure to meet you!

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Friendly reminder that if you are after this amazing store exclusive by that dropped today I am your link! This heat is not available at your LCS. I ship anywhere including UK, US and of course Canada! Cheers!

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