I'll miss you Frogiwawa, thy so much for this special week! It was so much fun & thy you for teaching us how to survive without you💚😭 I'll be carefull to not eat ladybugs & Fireflies!
I wanna become a buff Froggo, So i'll eat a lot of Bees&Hoverflies😊
Rest well! See ya soon🙏

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At Newmillerdam this morning, a holly blue butterfly rests on hemlock while hoverflies visit the flowers of creeping buttercup, occasionally chasing each other around.


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Bog hoverflies Eristalis cryptarum - a Dartmoor, Devon speciality in the UK on bog bean flowers this afternoon

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Going to press on Monday, is a personal alphabet of by . and more. will be printing the book in Norwich. On sale in April, £20 in the UK.

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Another excellent turn out for South Yorkshire Natural History Day at Treeton👍 It's the 11th🙂 First up Rob Foster talking about Furry Pine in

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By mowing less this spring and summer your can give clover, buttercups, dandelions and more a chance to flower for pollinators like bees, butterflies, hoverflies and moths. And you can enjoy seeing which flowers emerge to add some natural joy and colour to your garden! 🐝🌻

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With spring on the horizon, please resolve to help wildflowers and insects by mowing less. Give clover, buttercups and dandelions a chance to flower for pollinators like bees, butterflies and hoverflies. Enjoy seeing which flowers emerge to add natural joy to your garden 🐝🌻

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A nature-friendly resolution for this year - mow less! Give clover, buttercups and dandelions a chance to flower for pollinators like bees, butterflies, hoverflies and moths. Enjoy seeing which flowers emerge to add some natural joy to your garden 🐝🌻

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A resolution for next spring and summer - mow less. Give clover, buttercups and more a chance to flower for pollinators like bees, butterflies, hoverflies and moths. Enjoy seeing which flowers emerge to add some natural joy to your garden. 🐝🌻

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Did you know, are important & there are over 280 species in the UK. Here's a few of them:

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Bees aren't the only important This time of year is a great time to start looking for

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Some of the critters round the ivy; wasps, hoverflies, butterflies. Going to see how many species I can identify off it when the sun comes 😊

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