My new drawing of Harry Styles on Instagram.

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if this gets enough feedback i'll start planning! i'll wait until after hs3 drops to open artist applications. hopefully there are enough harry artists out there who'd want to participate! would love for us to create a zine celebrating h's first 3 albums together <3 🌸

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socials are giving me a lot of anxiety rn, taking a 2 to 4 day break, loves

please dont drop lt2 or hs3 while im gone lmao id die

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shoutout to how dave was supossed to have a bigger role on HS3
until i remenbered davepeta exist and i instantly replaced him

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remenber when rose was suposed to play a important role in HS3? yeah neither do i
welcome to retcon

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poor hs3 roxy!

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so the last change i did to my personal comic (original one, not fanfic like hs3) was on day 5 of this month

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welp just updated HS3
now its time to go radio silence for some time

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happy third birthday to one of my favorite albums💕

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HSSEやHS3、やっぱりデフォルトのボイスはS90ES Piano使っちゃうんだよね。

元々Cubaseを5時代に買ったのも、HALionOneやS90ES Pianoの音がどうしても使いたかったから。

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