The Credits at the end are so good! The snapchats are just so cute and I adore the track "Ascend"! ♥ It's so nice to get glimpses of what the kids did on Earth C in the first 4 years of their return! Highlights here being: the rosemary wedding AND TRICKSTER DAVE!

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I think my favorite part of this entire segment however is the moment Dad Crocker breaks through the wall and joins the fight. Just!!! THE ART!! And the music!! Also the shift right after to the PM/Bec Noir fight that's introduced w/ that guitar part! I love it so much

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I know their interaction was brief and this only a goodbye kiss but,,,, it's a shame nothing ever came out of this still. I feel like they might have been good for each other...

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The same goes for Ikimaru (whose illustrations in particular make me cry here) and Adrienne Garcia's artworks as well as Rah-Bop's background illustrations of these vibrant cracks. They're so gorgeous! This entire flash truly is a masterpiece and another fave of mine ♥

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Also "Do You Remem8er Me" is such a beautiful track and the art in this flash is phenomenal!! All the flashback artworks of Vriska and Terezi are so gosh darn precious! Angela Sham and Shelby Cragg did so amazing with these..!

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There they aaaaare!! Davepeta is so good..! 🧡💚

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The only time I ever felt sorry for Vriska was when she got slammed by her post-retcon self, and Meenah broke up with her.. idk I came to kinda like that version of her, too

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Out of all the pre-fight conversations Dirk and Dave's were the one's I was always most interested in. The one where Dave finally opened up abt his Bro, and Dirk talked abt some of his own issues, which all lead to this image, still makes me so gosh darn emotional

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They're so freaking awkward..

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One of the most important reunions!! I love these dorks so much

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They're reunited at last :')

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ALSO?? DAVEKAT??? During my first read I was so surprised when I saw that development, rlly did not expect it but I freaking LOVED it! My love for them grew exponentially since that flash. Just look at them smiling, having fun and being happy.. It's what they deserve 💕

1 4

The flash on page 7449 owns my heart 😭 Moonsetter is such a wonderful + lighthearted track! Getting to see what was going on on the meteor in the retcon timeline to that is so great. ALSO THE ART! I'm especially enarmored w/ xamag, ikimaru, and Rennie Kingsley's pieces

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