Karakter HOW TO BE YOU pertama yg aku bikinn! Aku bikin ini di tahun 2020 awal, jadi maaf kalau masih agak acak2an hehehe...

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Hiii!!! I'm (gradually) coming back to this account! From now, I will mainly post about my ocs and webtoon relatee contents. Btw this is my ocs from HTBY webtoon in Webtoon Kanvas. (There is no new eps yet, I'm still fixing so many things for the webtoon). TY for having me back!

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Yang kiri aku gambar Januari tahun ini, dan yang kanan desain terbarunya. Check it out di episode 6 htby 😆😆

Ps. namanya masih dirahasiakan

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Gambar mereka lagi~~
Yang kanan versi wallpaper/lockscreen

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A sneak peek of my comic HTBY almost to publish on Webtoon Canvas it's been so long, I'm just taking my time LOL

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