After repainting young Luke and Leia of course I needed to redo this version as well; because the images work so well as a set. Which one is your favourite?

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For the final colour palette I’ve decided to revisit some older images as I know I can do better. Starting off with this portrait of Luke and Leia based on a promo photo for Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. Which one do you prefer??

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The final yoga pose is a more relaxing one: Child’s pose. This can often be used as a minor resting pose, but it can also help stretch and relax your back.

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This colour palette may be a bit out there, but when putting it together I knew it would work perfectly for animals. First up is this bathing tiger.
What do you think?

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I’m horrified every time I read about people dumping their pets in the wilderness, which seems to happen a lot more during summer. And while littering is bad, it’s way worse if what’s being thrown away is an animal.

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Parks and green open spaces arelovely to visit, but not when they’re littered with rubbish. The litter get carried away by winds, spreading it further inland, into untouched areas or bring it out to sea and other water ways. Pick up after yourself!

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A new colour palette and a new topic! I’ve painted a similar image before, but wanted to have another go. I also think it’s quite fun to paint a second underwater image of to highlight the the picture perfect and what might actually be reality.

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A red fox sleeping in the snow. Seems the images I painted in this colour palette ended up being all relaxing and content.

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Just a capybara taking a yuzu bath, which is something which actually happens. The Izu Shaboten Zoo has held “Capybara Yuzuyu” in their onsen-equipped garden at winter solstice since 1996. Of course people also enjoy onsen baths with yuzu.

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A new colour palette and topic, starting off with this red panda. I did realise afterward that the blue should probably be a bit lighter, but decided to use it as is anyway.

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Biscayne National Park is located in sourthern Florida. 95% of the park is water, which includes the Biscayne Bay and its offshore barrier reef and a mangrove forest.

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Horsetail Fall is a seasonal waterfall on the east side of El Capitan, and located in Yosemite National Park in California. If it’s flowing in February the setting sun illuminates the waterfall making it glow orange and red.

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Antelope canyon is located on Navajo land in Arizona. It was formed by erosion of the Navajo Sandstone, which has created some amazing flowing shapes.

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The Sequoia National Park is located in California, and houses groves of large sequoia trees, including The General Sherman tree, which is the world’s largest living tree.
Two earlier iterations of this image are up on Patreon.

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The third colour palette of Huely and a change in topics too. Starting with Delicate Arch, one of the most famous sandstone arches in Arches National Park in Utah, USA.
I struggled with this one and made a few more versions, which are up on Patreon

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