Basically my best friend for years now and I literally wouldn't be around without him. Thanks for being a friend and I'm sorry I'm a few days late on this gift art XD

Enjoy your Huygens Headshots!

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professor Huygens is slowly but surely becoming real

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I’ve got a bit of art of her, but only in her summer outfit so far since she debuted during our summer event.

Name’s Caelina Mon Huygens. Thought of an Aasimar born to a family with a Satyr father. Her wings are too weak to fly for longer than a minute b/c her ass too fat xD

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This polymath professor at discovers the law governing the refraction of light which is the principal of dioptrics, but did not publish it.

Later in 1703 Christiaan Huygens published the Snellius findings in ‘Dioptrica’.

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14 abril nació Christiaan Huygens astrónomo , físico y matemático que descubrió Titán el más grande de los satélites de Saturno 🪐 Además, inventó el reloj de péndulo.

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April 14 - Christiaan Huygens' birthday!

Not all great Brainiacs get recognition and a place of honour in our collective memory.
Who is Christiaan Huygens, and how did Isaac Newton effect him? 🤔
Read our post to find out! 🧵⬇️

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Christiaan Huygens, credited as the inventor of the Magic Lantern, was born 1629. A lifelong sufferer of severe depression & melancholy, his original sketches for magic lantern projection were of Death removing its head.

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I’m giving a talk on Christiaan Huygens, his family, discoveries, inventions and milieu for
and the on his birthday this Wednesday 14 April (NB 19.00 GMT, not 20.00). Via Zoom. Free! Register here: https://t.co/rD5WR8gKaY

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1689, Christiaan to his brother Constantijn, secretary to the Prince of Orange who is about to be crowned William III: ‘It is a shame that the Prince has so little fondness for studies and the sciences, otherwise I would have greater hope [of royal patronage].’

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Spacecraft personifications I made around 3 years ago. I really miss them. Maybe I'll draw them again.

(ISS, Cassini–Huygens, Falcon 9 & Dragon)

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Over mijn boek stelt : ‘na het lezen van dit heerlijke boek vraag je je inderdaad af waarom er nergens een groot standbeeld staat voor de held van nederlandse natuurkunde’. Superleuk!

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Vandaag uit! mijn leven van Christiaan – 🔭 🪐 🎲🎲 🕰️ 🇳🇱 🇫🇷 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ⛵️ 🧭 🎹 ☄️ 👽 🧮. Bedankt en vertalers Ineke van den Elskamp en Gertjan Wallinga.

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Nieuwe theorieën!!!
Bittere prioriteitsgeschillen. Internationale oorlogen. Wispelturige beschermheren. Gruwelijke terechtstellingen. Enorme pruiken.
mijn biografie van Deze week uit!

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Three years ago Cassini Spacecraft became part of the planet it studied for so long 😢. I will forever miss you and thank you 💙

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1672 Christiaan Huygens in Paris, hearing rumours that Cornelis de Witt is dead (he soon will be), writes to his brother wanting to be kept informed of ‘everything that is happening in our miserable country’, as Louis XIV’s army reaches Amsterdam

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Picture quiz!
Daily until Easter Monday, details of pictures that are shown or get a mention in my forthcoming Christiaan Huygens and the Making of Science in Europe. First some general scene-setting . . . where are these places?

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El 25 de marzo de 1655, el astrónomo neerlandés Christiaan Huygens descubre Titán, el satélite más grande de Saturno, con un telescopio diseñado por el mismo. Tiene 5,150 km de diámetro y es el único cuerpo celeste del sistema solar con una densa atmósfera rica en nitrógeno.

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Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens discovered Titan, moon of Saturn, on this day in 1655. Space art by Chesley Bonestell, Kenneth Fagg, Ron Miller, and David A. Hardy.

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Como hemos comentado, esa atmósfera densa y opaca impedía la comprensión de su superficie, como ya pasó con Venus antes de la era espacial y las Venera, hasta la llegada de la misión Cassini-Huygens en 2004

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