No Shortage of Dreams — "Star-Raker (1978)"
It's a Space Shuttle made of balloons! (Some filled with hydrogen.)

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If you haven't seen it, this is Hydrogen. My first 1/1 piece, up for auction on Foundation.

The winning bidder will also receive an Emerge token, which provides free art dropped into their wallet weekly.


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Here's my genesis 1/1 piece: Hydrogen.

Pick it up on .

If you win the auction, you'll also receive an Emerge token and get free weekly art drops.

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Meet H₂S
The H stands for Hydrogen...
But it's also for Harry

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This is what I come back to Twitter for with a slight art style change. The Periodic Table of FUCKING Elements. Here's Hydrogen. I'll write a description for it later.

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The UK-based JET laboratory has smashed its own world record for the amount of energy it can extract by squeezing together two forms of hydrogen. So why do I get an Ultron vibe from the accompanying article photo and should I be worried?

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. 『水素の音ォ』
(The sound of hydrogen.)

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The Pillars of Creation (Hubble):

These towering tendrils of cosmic dust and gas is located 7,000 light-years from Earth. The blue colors in the image represent oxygen, red is sulfur, and green represents both nitrogen and hydrogen.

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Planet Fun Fact of the Day (📷: )

Did you know that Jupiter has an ocean? It's not filled with liquid water, but instead liquid metallic hydrogen. This element is an essential part of it's magnetic field, and I'll tell you why! (1/3)

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Thought I would post some of my old pics - partly due to lockdown blues and im bored - This is M42 the Orion nebula. Its a star forming region, depicted by the pinkish glow from excited hydrogen...Hot Stars!

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. reports Beijing Jingneng Power Co. plans to invest 23 billion yuan ($3.3bn) in a hybrid 5GW & power generation project for the production of 400k -500ktpa of

Interested in Join hydrogen group on LinkedIn:

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Commission for nitritehydrogen.

Thank you so much!

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Some trickster replaced Humphrey's helium balloon with hydrogen.

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The Orion Nebula is part of the star constellation Orion, to find south of it. The nebula is about 1350 LJ away and has an extension of about 24 light-years. It consists primarily of hydrogen. Brightest star is Orionis C1, 200,000 times brighter as our sun!

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