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🍄🍄 Plant foraging lesson with Beedle. Based on a mushroom meme I saw recently hehe #hyruleuniversityAU 29/?
🖋️⚔️ ...It almost feels like the claw machine was waiting for Link to try his hand. No matter - it's a fine pen! The eraser nib works like a stylus with most hylian smartphone models. #hyruleuniversity 28/?
🖋️⚔️ Claw machines. Zelda's worst enemy. But among all the prizes... #hyruleuniversity 27/?
📚🔬Zelda is worried about a potential Conflict of Interest that could be brewing, if Professor Ganon gets his hands on the nearly intact internal weaponry of the Divine Beast ruins. She knows he has business ties to the Hyrule Militia. #hyruleuniversity 24/? IT'S SPICY
🎵🎶Another day, another AU doodle. Groose and Midna are the kpop (hpop? hyrule pop?) stans who have somehow infected everyone else with at least a couple hpop songs, even "I only listen to classical music" Zelda. #hyruleuniversity 23/?
📃 the gang receiving their admission letters to #hyruleuniversity ! Zelda and Beedle wrote very intellectual entrance essays, Groose just copy pasted his yearly NASA application, and Link wrote about fun shaped rocks or something. 20/?
👛What's in Link & Zelda's bags? Link had to buy a real backpack since Demise isn't a great storage solution. It's my insta friend's headcanon that link just carries a tampon for anyone who needs it, but it gets grossed up by everything else in his bag haha #hyruleuniversity 19/?
🏞 Groose is a complete city boy but sometimes he secretly wonders if he should join Beedle's Mushroom club. Link constantly smells like river water and this is why.
#hyruleuniversity #skywardsword 18/?
👀 Link, Beedle, and Groose have a groupchat together called the Broforce. Beedle will usually post pics of his and Link's mushroom adventures there so Groose can feel included (or jealous), but this week's pictures seem a little strange... #hyruleuniversity #botw 17/?
☀️Link's first Archaeology expedition with Impa, to the Ancient Mining Facility in the Lanaryu Desert. Magic may be a thing of the past, but it's up to his lab to learn about it! Also, Beedle pops up in the weirdest places. Hope he's ok! #hyruleuniversity 7/?
🦢💘Groose is unable to handle feelings like "love". Pipit, his fraternity brother from a couple years above, is an ok wingman who gives vague and unhelpful advice. Zelda is oblivious. #hyruleuniversity 6/?
Zelda and Link at the start of the year. Gotta scope out the profs before you sign up for their courses during Course Selection Week. Seems like Ganon's an asshole... but he teaches ARCH101, a required course. #hyruleuniversity 5/?
Link goes on an excavation expedition with Impa, his lab supervisor, and Zelda, a far better student than he. He has no reverence for ancient artifacts. It's just a nice pot isn't it? I could just buy another one at Rupee-rama? 4/?#hyruleuniversity #skywardsword #legendofzelda
the university gang's intro to "New Money" International Student Midna in intro to Calculus #zelda #botw #hyruleuniversity
Hyrule University student Beedle! He is a part-time double major with a lot on his shoulders. No one has ever actually seen him asleep. Perhaps we should be concerned, but he seems quite cheerful. #hyruleuniversity #LegendOfZelda
Hyrule University Student Link! If you've watched Silicon Valley, he's Bighead. If you haven't, he's an idiot with a natural gift of failing upwards. He is the only member of Beedle's Mushroom Foragers Club. #legendofzelda #botw #hyruleuniversity
Link (and Zelda) + growing pains. There is an unlikely but precious friend in baby demise! #skywardsword #LegendOfZelda #hyruleuniversity