I really couldn’t decide what pictures to repost for Ian because I’ve drawn so many so here are a few!

Happy Birthday William Russell!! 🥰

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As it appears to have become a tradition my birthday drawing is of Ian Chesterton. His mug has tea elements on it…because he’s a nerd.

8 57

"Well, we'll have to find out for ourselves, won't we?"
"Thank you for the we."

I just can't help myself can I?

9 68

“I’m not usually one for souvenirs or trinkets, but this might my favourite photo of us.”

I found an older picture of Jacqueline Hill and I couldn’t help myself…

10 80

Whoops, I may have redrawn my Chatterton piece...!

I know I didn't need too, but I genuinely think not only is it better in terms of the composition, but it shows a year of progression!

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