
6 45


"It started with a meeting in a huge, darkened and monitor-lit, fetid man-cave with Nick Burcombe and his team of take-away pizza and Coke-fuelled developers at Psygnosis..."

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51 283

The forum site NeoGAF in part with EU publisher ZenUnited, hosted an art contest in 2009 and the winner got their art on that region's cover of BBCT.

The winner was one radiantdreamer with a painting of Ragna and then later, made a second piece starring Noel. Article in replies.

55 152

DefiantDrills just bought Borb a Coffee on Ko-fi! ❤️

4 40

Kalian mau karya kalian dibukukan? Dicetak di dalam komik Radiant dan dilihat banyak orang? Ditambah dapat paket komik menarik, lho. Yuk simak di bawah ini dan kasih tahu semua temen kalian yg suka gambar. Bikin segokil mungkin ya.

45 174

Children having fun drawing spirographs, pantographs and harmonographs with my at this week

0 3

Drawing Spirograph patterns with Y4 children, using bike cogs!

14 18