I made this menstrual cycle illustration for last year Scitober. Today I am posting it as a reminder that 1.8 billion people menstruate worldwide every month. However, menstrual poverty is still a reality for millions

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Placentas are amazing and complicated, but sometimes they take things too far...literally.
Women can be at risk if a placenta burrows too deep and breaks through the uterine wall.

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Pelvic organ prolapse. Many are embarrassed to talk about it, but possibly half of women who have given birth have/have had some degree of it.

I am pretty sure I'm included in that group!

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Women physicians play an important role in the history of
Virginia Apgar designed the Apgar Score, to quickly evaluate newborn's health at and after birth, inevitably saving lots of young lives!

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Reposting my of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy for a condition which is NOT a viable pregnancy, and will always end in Death without medical intervention.

Healthcare is a human right.

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Starting off a week of art in honor of and medical care.
Share your art to

The pelvic floor is a complicated sling of muscles keeping pelvic organs supported. A floor weakened after childbirth or surgery can prolapse-it's REALLY common!

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