画質 高画質

Art! Halo guys, ada yang punya saran brush Ibis yang enak buat semi realistic coloring ga yaa? Kalo boleh drop brush yang kalian pakai untuk mewarnai. Thankyou so sooo muchh ❣️

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Latihan bikin art! pake screen tone
Terima kasih admin ibis paint

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背景はibis に用意されていたものを使用。

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Wooo pride prompt finally done! Todays was lesbian/gay, so I decided to test out ibis paint (haven’t used it in a w h i l e) and draw Aimsey! :]


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Ibis is dying on me xD really and i didn't even tried to color myself (if i ever try...you know how i am)

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Hey guys Clip studio and Ibis paint have built in time lapse options in case you need to prove you're not an AI prompter make sure this is checked and you can pull in a file to make a video of your drawing. This is for CSP, remember to keep it as a CSP file for it to work.

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