Some Icchibanketsu male characters I was draw

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Iwanagahime & Konohanasakuya |
*If Ninigi palace would be so awkward...=3=

19 41

'Icchibanketsu-Online' The Game's Soma Saito, Yuuto Suzuki, Kazutomi Yamamoto Are ... -

3 5

Ashiya red & Seimei blue :3
*I'm gonna leave this sketchy Orz

30 45

of kitty (or foxy =u=?) Abenoseimei and a not-so-happy Ashiyadouman

24 36

神代ハ傑 from looked so cool & awesome…until I got to know them a little better ( =.=lll )

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Since Icchibanketsu opened its servers today, I made a Nice Legs crossover with Touken Ranbu

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