Record heat waves allover Asia with again 33C in Turkmenistan,31C in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan,28C in Kazakhstan and in Kyrgyzstan even at 800m.
In South Korea 25.4C at Icheon broke the record for March.
It is a record warm spell for thousands of stations across Asia

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artstyle practice anyways
whicheon should i go for 🥶
or 3.

1 13

art fight prep put me in a ref making mood sooo: ford, a lich pigeon (licheon?) that lives under a city and eats souls

1 1

This one turned into a double since I got a set of Vaporeon requests. It's Kipeon and Raicheon, the sea pup Pokémon!

1 4

Le linee del pensiero fanno confusione ~ fusione ~ contrasto.. e poi diventano idee pazzesche, senza direzione, aspettano forse di inciampare in delle occasioni seminate qui e là nella quotidianità.

13 19


New product from CLEAN parfume. They seems really love seventeen 💕💓

Via moicheonsa

16 18