Konnichinyaaann!! akhirnya bisa buka sosmed uuuu 🙃

iseng nyoba ai lagi, kenapa malah jadi "LAKIK"

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Pengen coba tweet spaces, nanti habis stream kali yaa?? 👀

Ada yang mau nemenin?

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Kachi lagi di taman bungaaa
Liat deh, cantik kaaan??

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Konnichinyaaan~ ✨🌸🌸
kira-kira kachi lagi ngapain kalo mukanya kayak gini??

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Hice un IchiNyaa random :''3
Creo que es mi primera vez dibujando a estos dos :'''

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I took a nap after the concert (; _ ;) Please excuse me~ 🙏💖 But I am awake now!

Today, I am becoming the super hero from the bedroom in Pajama Man Sam! 🦸‍♂️

This was a classic PC game for me back when dial up was a thing 😳

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IchiNyaa based from the last gatcha of New Year in Hesokuri Wars, I was so happy to see Ichimatsu as Omoikane being with Nyaa-chan as Ame no Uzume ♥♥

it was so cute for me, I made a fanart ♥ ♥ ♥

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[BB Gakuen]
I should start with intro but I will just do it randomly ( ๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶♡
*It will slightly ooc since I'm still learning how they will interact actually, but hope you guys like it
*characters belong to @/kureha_alpha @/IvyLiau @/Tmathiaa @/AoganeH @/MlYXSHl @/ichinyaan

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IchiNyaa for the Ichimatsu Valentine Day fanart♥ All you need to know is that, I totally ship them ♥ xD >w< 一松

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Fanart IchiNyaa I drew based in the design of the dakimakuras ♥ おそ松さん 一にゃー finished

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