Bueno.......... aquí con otro dibujo para el mes Ichiruki!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ojala pueda volver a tener tiempo para hacer mas dibujos uwu
Día 21 del mes Ichiruki: Supernatural

30 90

Day 21: Supernatural
I'm still in awe that we have a succubus Rukia

51 164

I love figure skating and Ichiruki 😊⛸️ Maybe in another life...
Day 20: Romeo & juliet

95 256

Day 8: US against the world
With this I fisnish my old sketches. Next will be Romeo & Juliet...

63 155

Ichiruki month 2020, Day 4: crossing blades crossing hearts
this movie gives me life!

84 227

Trying new things...
IchiRuki month 2020, Day 3: stars in your eyes
The way they look at each other.

64 155

I finally have some time for myself and my bbs 😊
better late than never so
ICHIRUKI month Day 2: fantasy vs. reality

62 173

I'm not dead, just tired ( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : ) but not enough tu finish my sketches . So here is Day 1 of IR Month: Once upon a dream.
When I did this I was thinking about one of Poe's poems <A dream within a dream>.

79 170