IEFH一面ボス アルティメット社畜のウェイジくん好き😊 闇しかないけど言動が退化した大人っぽくて愛おしい

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[Finished Art] Claude Brady Friedelion.

Another IEFH lion, Claude also captivated me, it was difficult to get to his stage and his battle was long and hard, but really fun when in the end you get to play as him, Claude's design here is based on the recent artwork.

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[Quick Sketch Story] Had this weird dream where Gister from IEFH would tell me a secret of anyone once, and when I asked for a specific person's secret, he would reply in German? Dreams are weird, decided to draw it since it seemed funny. Never thought I'd dream about him though.

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[Finished Art] Yet another IEFH lion, this time Cyaegha! Raven and Cyaegha are both my favorites in the game, his fight was really thrilling and he's so handsome and hot!

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