NFT idea 8:
1/ Minting the NFT collection. The manufacture of a satellite is ordered or a ready-made one is purchased. It is launched using SpaceX. The cost and quantity are calculated based on the cost of launching the rocket and other expenses.

0 9

NFT Idea 4:
Launch the NFT collection. Use money from the sale to buy land in the metaverse. Put up a large billboard on this land. Sell advertising space for companies. Distribute income among NFT holders

0 6

How to increase the value of a physical picture? Let's release the NFT into the digital picture. Wait 1 year to add value to this NFT, burn the NFT token to print the physical version. Now the physical picture has a story and added value.

1 5

“Eureka!” Ever go so long without a good idea you forget what it feels like?

0 10