❤️ ❤️ And as said oops !!! I did it again. I re-designed a poster of the anime with the awesome drawings of this time with oe jostre amate hope you like it. 🌙#supersailormoon

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Today's anime & the podcast topic for the next 6 episodes is the 2002 series Can't believe this is celebrating its 20th anniversary! We're doing eps 1-4 first.

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🌙 Ok ok l'avrò disegnata una volta e ci ho voluto riprovare, con tutti i semi di stelle e circondata da tantissime luci. Spero vi piaccia 🙏❤

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Happy 30th Anniversary ! Here are some original production sketch sets I own of the main girls from ep. 159. The legendary drew everything pictured here.

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Quick scribble from Sailor Earth to nshi no ig 🌙Love your characters😍😍😍

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Magic Record❤❤ I love the design so much😍😍😍

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Quick scribble. I love sailor moon so much😍❤ It was the first mahou shoujo I saw😍 I remember the good moments of the crystal saga

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Grazie a che ha postato questa bellissima tavola di sul gruppo
Mi ha ispirato tantissimo quindi ho deciso di creare una mia spero vi piaccia 🙏❤

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