Advent Day 24: We’ll play our drum for him, pa-rum-pum-pum-pum.

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Day24 of advent: ...Now it really was time for bed but before Patrick would lay down his head he wondered if they'd all like to stay.

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🌟Day 23 & look who’s flying across the sky... Can you guess who may appear on day 24?...🌟#illo_advent

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It is the shortest, darkest day
It’s doubtful you’re euphoric
So here’s a thing from way back when
A critter prehistoric

Remember human contact?
Alas, poor us, Horatio
Here’s Geoff the Pteradactyl
And he’s talkin’ ‘bout fellatio...

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Day 20 is 'wolf's jumper'. I'm probably going to be a day out now as I have caught up with all I have done, will sketch and plan the next couple this eve.

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On the 18th of Dec my humans put me in little outfits...and fall about laughing

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