POV: Sampai KLAB, Pasar Seni dekat reruai Iman Publication. 🤣

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"We're not go down. Insha Allah one day Palestine will be free."

Character: Safad from Komik Gaza series

Contest by: if moses and imanpublication

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They feel cold, but with Allah, they feel warm inside their hearts. Let us make them warmer with our help, either with our wealths, physical helps or prays. Characters: Haifa, Beersheba and Hebron from Komik Gaza series.

Contest by: IF Moses and

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Eh...? Ada karakter baru dalam Komik Gaza?? Siapakah gerangan???

InsyaAllah Komik Gaza 2 bakal menemui anda di PBAKL 2019! :D

p/s: Bukan dialog asal komik

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