I missed drawing Turtlesssssssss.
For Insta dtiys.

4 15

I'm always missing these hashtag events but don't doubt my love for these turtles😤

21 97

Ok! I see alot of em' new peps comin' around and giving Rise a chance and love they deserve!

Shoutout for ya'll!

Fans are on FIRE🔥 today Baby!!

11 50

this show has gotten me through tough times and made me reignite my love for animation. I had my doubts when the show first premiered but after giving it a try, I was so wrong and this show made me feel inspired all over again!

20 70

Hey so like, Rise kinda helped define my art style and it's literally my favorite show of all time??
Please let me see the boys and everyone else again 😭😭😭

8 22

I KNOW I just made a post but my brain said ANOTHER!!
It just helped me, this summer. I really feel confident in my art, I’ve got that drive to push myself past my limits, I’ve met SO many cool new friends, and that’s not even the half of it. This show is rly something

17 48

this show is such a huge comfort to me 🥺💗 Heres the fam taking a shellfie 💖

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