anzi a tutti. Buona Festa dell'Immacolata Concezione a tutti...#GoodThursday and my loves Twitter ⛪️💐🙏✨❤️

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Today, Dec. 8, we celebrate the Feast of the As we honor the blessed Virgin Mary who was conceived free from original sin, may this holy occasion encourage us to live a life inspired by Mary’s unwavering faith, honesty, and love.

Art by Elaine Olaer

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Happy solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary! (We figure as it's after Evening Prayer 1 we're allowed to start celebrating!)💙

(Painting by Jose Luis Castrillo redart )

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Our Mother, our Queen!

Our Lady Immaculate Conception, pray for us!

Juan Antonio de Frías y Escalante (1667)
Museum of Fine Arts of Cordoba

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"Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!"
Luke 1:28

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Birth of the Virgin, c. 1635, by Orsola Maddelena Caccia (Italian, c. 1596-c. 1696), reprised in honor of the Held at the Pinacoteca Malaspina; image source,

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