The watchmaker

exploration of impermanence and the fragility of identity, where the figure vanishes into the vast canvas of abstraction.

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Haruka — Japanese Stewartia (pseudocamellia)
💐 impermanence, renewal
- the Japanese name for these is ‘natsu tsubaki’ (summer camellia), due to the resemblance to camellias. since Tsubaki is Yamato’s last name, this could potentially be a reference to him.

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Amidst the fleeting moments of life, lies the beauty of impermanence - a reminder to cherish every passing breath and embrace change with open arms.

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Castles Made of Sand -

"In the impermanence of life, we find the beauty of each passing moment and the inspiration to dream fearlessly and live passionately." -

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My new nfts on 1/1 on
Women From Sand🖼️
Her existence is a metaphor for the impermanence of all things, for just as the sands shift and change, so do our lives, ever flowing and evolving💖

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BURNER is my dynamic cryptoart series which changes every block in reaction to live gas price data. We live in a society marked by impermanence. Nothing is stable, everything is changing. The media and technological landscape even more. Blockchain markets even faster

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There is no such thing as permanence at all. Everything is in a flux. Because you cannot face the impermanence of all relationships, you invent sentiments, romance, and dramatic emotions to give them certainty. Therefore you are always in conflict.
- U.G. Krishnamurti

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"Impermanence is not insignificance" by

Print available at

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Here's Peachheart, Teardrops and Impermanence as humans :] thought it would be fun to see so KSJGHKSJH

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When I look at my reflection, signs of aging serve as a reminder of my impermanence, my inevitable & inescapable human fate. Reminders of my slowly aging meat vehicle are an remind me to make the most out of each day on this earth.

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✨ Artwork by
💰 Sold to for 2.3 ETH ($2,612.89)


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don't grasp for impermanence

146 860


The ephemerality of our existence within a digital space, this metaverse, across which we connect daily.

Available on Foundation for 0.06 ETH

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I dunno, let’s find out…💗


The ephemerality of our existence within a digital space, this metaverse, across which we connect daily.

Available on Foundation for 0.06 ETH

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