Uploading something different today 🚀🌕

120 325

“I know why you don’t make retirement plans, Neil”

Thank you and for once again breaking my heart…In a good way. Imposter factory was amazing

4 17

It’s not Imposter Factory without the Amongus. (thanks Kan Gao, for the tears xD)

22 95

‼️ imposter factory spoiler? ‼️

Neil Watts... the boy of star and lavender....
아 진짜 오랜만에 여기 그림 우리 닐...😭😭

108 400

making from the shortest girl the best basketball player turns out to be harder if you’re not in Space Jam

hyping for drawing made-up cases for bestest detectives and crying became my daily routine someone help me

3 9

Re-drew some art from 2016 cuz I've been playing it and and crying.
truly knows how to hurt me and I cannot wait for to absolutely demolish me.

36 147

Quick doodle for Freebird's new upcoming game: Imposter Factory
(Which in I'm SUPER hyped for!)

This scenes looked so beautiful!
(too bad I suck at drawing skys haha)

38 158