I haven't post anything in a while -.-
So well, this is Indoor cat Sykkuno :3
Our King!!!!!

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1. Odette Hollows for oh-yeah-no @ tumblr
2. Jay for urban-banshee​ @ tumblr
3. Lexiragh Qalli for darktypes​ @ tumblr
4. Rue Panipahr for indoorcatte​ @ tumblr

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I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Remember, be an indoor cat, stay home and clean your paws!

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Marie is 16, and was indoor/outdoor when we didn't know better. Now, she's fully indoor with no complaints. She loves to roll in the dirt, but only with human company! Otherwise, she's very happy to be indoors, on her heat pad, safe from the loud, scary wind.

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