Sal inked by Russel on Tarzan 29 looking a but George Freeman or Infantino. Cheers,

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Carmine Infantino's iconic image of Batman and Robin

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"A journey that had been frought with personal tragedy - but one which he had survived, valiantly."
Iron Man 122 - May 1979
Pencils by Carmine Infantino
Inks by Bob Layton
Script by David Michelinie

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Mr Gianni Infantino thinks it is an act of imperialism if anyone dares to criticise FIFA for allowing authoritarian states to hold the World Cup | Andy Brown

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of Everyman president Gianni Infantino who is everyone but just wants us to get on with liking the football

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„WM 2022 in Katar:
Infantino fordert: „Konzentrieren wir uns auf den Fußball““

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Creators Gardner Fox, Carmine Infantino, and Joe Giella - splashin' in Flash 123 and creating a multiverse.

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Asked to design his fantasy of a good-looking girl, Carmine Infantino created 75 years ago.
Starting as a secondary character in J.Thunder's back-up stories, she soon took his place.
Here we remake that issue's cover.


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Asked to design his fantasy of a good-looking girl, Carmine Infantino created strong and sexy 75 years ago.
Starting as a secondary character in J.Thunder's back-up stories, she soon took his place.
Here we remake that issue's cover.


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I may not know how to say Infantino but I do know how to say METAMORPHO

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In honor of Murphy Anderson's birthday, I'd like to share this classic story by Gardner Fox, Carmine Infantino, and Murphy Anderson.
Sixty years ago, Adam Strange defeated "The Metal Conqueror of Rann!"

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The look? Miller is not indicative of how the Flash has looked, & neither is Page. I understand that you think that Page emulates Miller well, but that's not the Flash as designed by Carmine Infantino in 1956.

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Shanna the She-Devil!

In Marvel Fanfare (1991)!

Cover art on all by Joe Chiodo! Written by Steve Gerber! Interior art by Carmine Infantino (56), Bret Blevins (57, 58), and Tony DeZuniga (59)!

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Actor for revealing the real face of Eobard Thawne in the "Tricksters" episode of and for being a Carmine Infantino drawing come to life. I sincerely hope we get to see Matt again before the series ends (or on for that matter.)

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Actor for revealing the real face of Eobard Thawne in the "Tricksters" episode of and for being a Carmine Infantino drawing come to life. I sincerely hope we get to see Matt again before the series ends (or on for that matter.)

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— Happy Birthday Carmine Infantino 🎂

Carmine would've turned 97 today, he was the co-creator of Black Canary and many other iconic DC characters!

Happy Birthday legend 💚, I hope you know you will never be forgotten and your legacy will always be a part of DC's history! 💫🙏🏻

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In honor of Gardner Fox's birthday, I'd like to share this classic story by Gardner Fox, Carmine Infantino, and Murphy Anderson.
Sixty years ago, Adam Strange defeated "The Metal Conqueror of Rann!"

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5/10/77: STAR WARS fans who knew enough to be on top of the Marvel's adaptation were already well aware of one-third of the story before the movie ever opened. It would take 6 parts, and eventually the series would wind up in the hands of the astonishing Goodwin/Infantino.

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man, try to think about Carmine Infantino and Ralph Dibny without smiling....

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Carmine Infantino: Batman is a FALLEN IDOL!

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