series as Tamers! the second is Dustin! with his Keramon X that evolves into Infermon, a D-ark digivice and his crest of friendship, explanations of why he has a keramon x, a digivice D-ark and the crest of friendship in the comments 1/3

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Commission from he imagined another evolutionary line for infermon, from baby to rookie infermon

14 59

Day 31 - All time favorite digimon - Infermon, and a bonus Mikemon! If you're wondering why their designs are a bit different it's because they're OCs. Well, this concludes the challenge, hope everyone has a great new year/holidays! 💖

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Keramon evolves to a chrysalis-like state, Chrysalimon, in order to conserve its energy to evolve into a strong Infermon.

Keramon can evolve direct to Infermon, but a weaker one.

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