And on a personal effort I present you with my own projects from the 80’s flavored heroes set in our current world, hopefully in time to save us! A sneak peek at Mr Happy and the Symbols of Libery!

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Pillow Fight is a man in an asylum attacking orderlies with a pillow while somewhere out in the world a hero in a colorful makeshift costume armed with a magic pillow smashes villains while screaming out the names of his attacks.

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Kudzu, a voilent criminal escapes from a chain gang only to be struck by a small meteor while hiding in a patch of kudzu weed. Alien flora on the rock consumes him and the surrounding vegetation & a monster with his mind is born that day.

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Included in my blueprint is this fantastical legend edition by 🧚‍♀️

Would you enter the portal? What do you think you'd find within? 🫣😶‍🌫️

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Possum & Cooter a couple of backwater meth cookers who got on the wrong side of a swamp witch and were cursed into beasts. Unfortunately they liked it! Possum revives shortly after dying and Cooter is invulnerable to most physical harm.

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Blue Baller is a weak, meek man who when he got his powers decided to turn the tables and become the bully. He can drain the physical strength from anyone or anything, proportionally weakening them and increasing his own power. He can make steel soft as tissue paper.

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The next member of The Gang of Four is Phase. Phase was a hotshot astronaut and pilot, a womanizing golden boy. The incident on the ISS turned him into a grotesque phantom that must drain the life force from others to briefly become human and tangible again.

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Avarice a strange vigilante with low level mystical powers who ruthlessly hunts down those whose crimes involve blood money. Utilizing the acana of the the Masonic Order and Illuminati sigils he can telekinetically manipulate US dollars for offense and defense.

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Liberty can grow to 110 ft tall and gets stronger and more durable as her size increases but sacrifices speed and agility to do so. She is armed with a plasma torch/mace and armor & a buckler for defense.

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Next up is the insect empowered Palmetto Bug. This is what we call cockroachs in SC. So PB has all the proportionate abilities of a roach included an ability called the Ick Factor which makes touching revolting. Unfortunately he cant control this power lol!

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gm! Still busy with last few layers of "Infiniverse" - It really is turning out to be beautiful.


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Bombshell Betty is a legacy heroine, daughter of a WWII hero who was a human bomb she has inherited those powers but has complete control over them. She has styled he look after the pinup art on WWII bombers and is a popular model as well as heroine.

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When it comes to patriotic heroes you can either make one up or go with the icon that has been there since the country founded, Uncle Sam! He appears in American during every heroic age and his power is tied directly to the citizens of this great land.

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This is Unlucky 13. A mysterious vigilante creature with cat-like abilities but the most frightening thing about it is that anyone slashed by his claws suffers cosmic retribution. Instantaneous bad luck that can range from harmful to lethal. Karma can kill.

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The Mourning Angel claims to be a celestial being that has fallen from grace and is now bound to the Earth by Aetherial chains. He spiritual form had been replaced by the base earth (which is why she looks like stone). She seeks redemption by aiding those in need.

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If Mr Happy is a dream come true for one man Mr Scary is a living nightmare for everyone who has the misfortune to encounter the malevolent entity. Able to manifest as your worst fears this creature feeds on terror, despair and hopelessness.

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This is Justice ask Blind Justice. Lustitia the Greek Goddess of Justice goes to wherever the seat of power is in the world. US citizen Angelia Jueza is chosen to be the avatar of the goddess. She joins the Symbols of Liberty wether they want her to or not.

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B.E..L.L. aka The Liberty Bell is an armor created by Dr Raijin Beru based on research conducted with DARPA. The Ballistic Echo Location Laser exosuit produces high frequency sonic vibrations for a variety of effects. Beru is the tech expert of the Symbols of Liberty

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