Let the Church herself weep in the bosom of Charity
and forget the pride that faileth

For this is a shame unto us. Selah.

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Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. (Psalm 51:9 NIV)

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But when my glass shows me myself indeed, Beated and chopp'd with tann'd antiquity, Mine own self-love quite contrary I read; Self so self-loving were iniquity.

—Shakespeare, Sonnet 62 ✨

Unattributed 16th century 🎨 Hall's Croft in Stratford-upon-Avon.

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, in our little den of iniquity.

*img 1975 The Anvil, NYC

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The History of our Iniquity. Loving a lie... Let it all fall down.

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