Day 29 of The picture shows me telling a python to search for information within a DOM, because todays topic is „Beautiful Soup“, a web scraper written in Python.

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Day 26 of my participation today is a delicious pie chart about pie charts. The topic today is “Data Viz”

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Day 24 of only seven days left 😱! Today's topic was
Find the video of the creation here:

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Wow, it’s already day 20 of - time is flying like this super hero unicorn, aka

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Day 17 of Today’s topic is and mister mole is very happy that he can order the worms online in an accessible web shop.

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Day 12 of Little is caring for his servers. Thank you for helping me out with finding an idea for today 🙇‍♀️

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Day 11 of and another chance for me to draw another April fool by the .

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What do fibonacci sequence, coin exchange, a thief robbing houses and finding the probability that a person is still alive after taking N steps on an island have in common? 🏝️

They're all dynamic programming prompts!
day 9: Dynamic

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Day 6: Cookie
Cookies can sound cute & innocuous, but there are types that can hold lots of info about our 💻 habits. Most are easily deleted & blocked. They lurk around when after searching "fluffy blankets", there are related ads everywhere. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Day 4 API
An API is looking only for very specific requests. Anything not following the predefined instructions can lead to a lot of yelling and red text.

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Day 3 of and I am totally inspired by They explain sorting algorithms with the help of traditional dances.

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How cache warming works.....sorta 😊😊 (this is how I imagine it, anyway)

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I was trying to think about how prototyping might exist in industries other than tech and when I realized that fashion designers are prototyping all the time, I couldn’t not draw this and also throw in my favorite movie dress ever!!

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