InkTest Tree no.213: ~ Astorquiza Rot on Zeta paper. Shades with a flex nib & dries a true blood red.

5 12

InkTest Tree no.211: Callifolio ~ Bourgogne from on Zeta paper

4 9

InkTest Tree no.205: ~ Jane Austen from on Zeta paper. :)

3 4

InkTest Tree no.202: ~ Green Diamond on Zeta paper. Bluish green with a red sheen

3 9

InkTest Tree no.198: ~ Dark Chocolate on Zeta paper. Writes a deep purplish-brown

4 10

InkTest Tree no.185: Organics Studio ~ Foggy Bottom Yellow Sepia from on Zeta paper

4 10

InkTest Tree Callifolio ~ Inti from on Zeta paper. A pretty shader with flexnib

6 14

InkTest Tree: Franklin Christoph ~ Black Cherry on Zeta paper. Thank-u for the sample

1 9

InkTest Tree: KWZI ~ Brown No.2 from on Zeta paper. A nice shading red brown

3 5

InkTest Tree Rohrer&Klingner ~ Cassia from on Zeta paper

7 16

InkTest Tree: Pelikan ~ Brown from on Zeta paper A nice, straight forward, brown

5 27

Inktest Tree: Diamine ~ Imperial Purple from March 2016 Inkdrop, on Zeta paper

5 21

InkTest Tree: Diamine ~ Brandy Dazzle from on Zeta paper. A warm copper shade with gold

1 8

Inktest Tree: Noodler's Aircorps Blue Black on , Zeta paper. Oh wow. What an interesting ink. @.@

1 5

InkTest Tree: J. Herbin ~ Emerald of Chivor on , Zeta. Can't capture this inks exquisite peacock hues

16 35

InkTest Tree ~ ~ Ebony on , Zeta paper. A deep dark brown ink that pulls toward burgundy

0 5