Traffic Witch & Stoppingbird (Day 31 of Just a quick thing to finish off Inktober, had a lot of fun making stuff for it!

4 13

Deadeyes (Day 29 of Haven't drawn Randy in ages, and I drew him a lot last year so I figured I'd bring him back!

2 8

More friends' characters! For & rachael_lfrance_illustration (instagram) (Days 27 & 28 of

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Two headed boy! Friend's character, goes by shmilk_illustration on instagram. Dude's style is awesome (Day 26 of

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internet tough guy (Day 23 of

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Weber, another mascot character associated with Lucky and the poster boy for many electronic products in the city (Day 21 of

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an important discovery (Day 19 of

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Misery, Lucky's sister and local scapegoat (Day 18 of

2 9

Some doodles of my OC Tabby AKA Troubleshooter, just to develop her more (Day 16 of

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Firewall! Strong and caring, yet a tad overprotective of her pal Tabby & thinks everyone they meet is a threat (Day 13 of

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Another new OC, Clickbait! He's sexy, single, and seeks attention. Smells like fish. (Day 12 of

2 10

New OC! She goes by Troubleshooter, and she's a self-proclaimed hero that enjoys fixing people's computer problems (Day 10 of

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