Day 31:

“That is The power to take away your The power to set you free.” -
We were one “#yes” away from making this boy very

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Made it! Ignoring all prompts and just drawing Jack Skellington! Thanks for all the support through it's been a blast!

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Yesterday's This one just doesn't photo well.

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Failed at drawing these guys in the past, but I'm back at it with day 23 of and I have succeeded! Long story short, Ai (The dog in the tub) slipped and fell in mud, and Risukuma (Bear scrubbing his head) is cleaning him up :3 ... they're such a cute couple~ ❤

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Let's catch up a bit with my full illustrations.
I'm delayed, since there's no stop to but here's the first winner: the
I changed the pose to add drama, but I may not do it with the next ones.

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Day 08 to 11 of featuring some members of Strega.

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Day 19 of here is my girl! She doesn’t have a name for some reason.

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day 7: exhausted. Happens to the best of us! Also, I got to try halftones for the first time. Not bad!

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Fell behind on so here's my Catch-up Case! 💀💼 A cabinet of curiosities filled with artifacts repping days 6-16! 🍾🍬✨📿🌊📌🐳🗝️⌛️🐞

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with a brand new sketch, that's faster than its own shadow. As you properly guessed it, continues here 😎

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