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//#Flight. Something I used to//
Let's try to start this dedace in the best way possible. Inktober released a new challenge, yealy this time (or weekly, I should say). So let's try it!
I think it will become a weekly date on my Twitch, so see ya there!

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Argh, I’m slowly crawling my way into 2020! Here is my offering for and the first prompt FLIGHT. I drew Amelia Earhart because the woman was truly inspiring.

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タグ間違えてました…:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

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Wanted to get the next prompt done early for This one was “Snake”. I was a little unsure at first of what the heck I was gonna draw but I’m pretty happy with how it came out!

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When the cobbler lost his shoe hammer, little did he suppose a crimson fairy would find it and fashion it into a harp...


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