Yeah, it's been a pretty suck day, so just pretend this is a good drawing. I didn't mean to make it so creepy, but somehow it just happened. Here's an angry storm cloud to balance it out.

Day 17 Prompt: Storm

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"Holloween" Day 17: Gods

"You wish to face the gods? Pfft, Thou shall be crushed right on the first one you face."

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Inktober/Fantober 2020 Day 17, the prompt today is “Haunted”! 👻

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17 - storm
снова спасибо за идею о приехавших в Питер Мёрдоке и Кирке
"В Петербурге лёгкий ветер".
- И вправду так себе... А тебе вот есть больше не помешает, шкет 💚

3 21

Si j’essaye d’imaginer le responsable des orages … ça donnerait ça ⛈.

Day 17, thème : Storm.

Dessin à l’iPad - - 45 min

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