-Si yo protejo... solo a la gente que me gusta, entonces significa que no me importa hacer lo correcto.-
Si hacía eso, solo le preocuparía lo que fuera conveniente para sí mismo.
Eso no era proteger. Era egoísmo.

4 48


🩸From Here until Eternity🩸

The altar boy, Will, spends his first night as a fledgling vampire with Father Lecter. 🦇⛪️📿🩸

For ’s

Full version if you know where to look 😈

31 193

14. Ciencia. El fin justifica los medios. Sí, ya no es octubre pero seguiré subiendo (a mi ritmo).

1 19

Día 31:Imposter/Impostor.
Y cerramos el hilo con Elend y Vin/Valette 📚

¡Muchas gracias por todo el apoyo durante este Hasta la próxima 💛✨

58 298

Day 31 - Favorite Pokemon


I'm late but there it is, my favorite pokemon of ALL TIME, i think, I've hesitate with many others. 😶

14 50

Día 30: Spindly/Larguirucho. 🌱

Hesina cree que Oroden ha salido a ella. A lo mejor llega a ser tan alto como su hermano Gagadin 😁

22 112

Días 28 y 29: Lifeless/Sinvida y Vines/Enredadera. Adolin y Maya son adorables 🌿

36 183

Happy Halloween! 🦇
𝓟𝓾𝓶𝓹𝓴𝓲𝓷 🎃💕#Twinktober21

Batboy Will takes Stiletto and Marzipan out for trick or treating! 🐕🐶🍫🍬🍭

It's been such a treat working on these prompts, thank you ! 🧡🤲

26 154


7 24

• Day 30 Slasher

By the light of the moon, the notorious Ripper escapes and begins his spree slaughtering Camp Wolf Trap. As another kill falls, Hannibal snarls and faces the intruder behind him.

“Looks like I’ve caught you red-handed,” Will smirks.

72 432

Día 27: Whimsy/Extravagancia.

Para el día de hoy, Wayne y sus intercambios (no tan) equivalentes 🎩

36 154

Day 31: Your Favourite Pokémon - Slowpoke
I did it guys!!!! 31 days of drawing! Every day!!! I can’t believe it.
I’ve always wanted to complete an inktober and I actually did it 😭
This one is rushed cause I’ve been busy but I DID IT!!!

3 8