felt like i had to do a nightmare cross something totally not because I’ve been finding a bunch of crossmare fics and have been binge reading every single one 😅

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Inktober Day 21#: Turtle Island 🌴 🐢🏝 Again from Native American folklore, like Atlantis, Turtle Island is a secret mythical Island, a magigestic city created by Gods and build on the back of a HUMONGOUS turtle.

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here's the next three inktober prompts dizzy coral and sleep for the last two prompts I didn't know what to do so I drew my avatar but with different inking styles

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Quelque chose que je fais pas mal en ce moment, le jour 21 : / Sommeil ! :D

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Panda hoy quiere invitarte a cuidar lo que consumes para que alimentes sanamente tanto el cuerpo como la mente y el espíritu.

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21th prompt of Gay Facesitting Ghost. ;)
Its been a long time since i drew guys.....Damn im out of shape. XD

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