Day 30 last day of Inktober 😅 zombie i wanted to draw zombie magical girl z pretty power make up 🌸✨💫

2 15

Keytober # 21 : Portrait

I can't choose between her and Kyou, they're both my top 2 waifu

Tomoyo Sakagami (Clannad)

1 6

Day 2 : source of light
Star star collect stars in her dreams this time her dream was dark falling deeper down intill a star lit up the night

4 19

Nouvelle année nouvel inktober, toujours l'inktobiche des coupains. Pas d'anim mais un thème particulier pour honorer mon fandom pref

# 1 Ailes - Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
"Je ne suis pas un ange"

2 12

Inktobit [inktober X octobit prompts]
Day 26 [connect X skull]

Connected skulls!

5 37

Inktobit [inktober X octobit prompts]
Day 25 [splat X homemade weapon]

Just messing around I suppose XD. Pretty cool prompts though!

4 40

Inktobit [inktober X octobit prompts]
Day 24 [extinct X cocktail party]

Ain't this the fanciest thing you've seen? A dodo sipping a cocktail XD

2 38

Inktobit [inktober X octobit prompts]
Day 19 [loop X perfect fit]

This one was a tough one to come up with an idea for

3 34

Inktobit [inktober X octobit prompts]
Day 17 [collide X sandcastle]

This is one of my favourites I made for Inktobit so far... I just love dithering XD

0 30

Inktobit [inktober X octobit prompts]
Day 11 [sour X don't touch]

Everyone loves a good doggo right? The prompts were really tough to combine honestly XD

2 28