Painting of Rakaiju
Inkyween day 26 "Villain"

When I imagine a villain I think a lot about James Bond and the kinda villain on their secret private island. With shark tank and everything! So went for something close to it. <3

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Painting of Aphrodi
Inkyween day 25 "Dragon"

So this is the first drawing where the prompt and person line up. She is a dragon girl, and the word happened to be dragon. Like I didn't expect it to line up this well. 😅

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Painting of Lilmili (& Project H)
Inkyween day 23 "Possessed Cutlery"

So Lilmili's avatar was just the default Hoppou so I decided to include a few more characters. Had a lot of fun with this one.
Ding dong. Someone's at the door? Who could it be

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Painting of Kessy
Inkyween day 21 "Cute Cthulhu"

I was debating so hard on if I should make him a tiny adorable little Octopus boy or if I should go heavy and tall Octopus man doing something cute! I decided on the latter and Im happy I did. <3

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Painting of Uni
Inkyween day 18 "WHITCH"

So what has this to do with Witches? Magical Girls tend to be very simmilar to whitches in my opinion and in a lot of times I've watched them they have been called whitches. I make the rules. 😉

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Painting of Takitaiko
Inkyween day 15 "CAT"

When I got the word cat I didn't quite know what to do with it. I could make it simple yes, but I think it's more fun to throw a curve ball. I decided to make it more Alice in Wonderland kinda feel. <3

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Painting of
Inkyween day 11 "Ayaya"

I had the unfortunate problem of Disconnecting again. I think VRChat hates when I draw Ayaya... seems to be a pattern. I love painting more perspective as I go. Really brings the scale of the person.

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Painting of
Inkyween day 9 ''Dusk''

Tattoos is some of my favorite things to draw. I love looking back on that kinda detail after painting it. This is one of those avatars Im super happy to paint. I loved every second of it.

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Painting of Stargazer
Inkyween day 7 ''Wizard''

Allmost forgot to post this! Yesturday was Stargazer's birthday! They've been super supportive and an amazing friend. Stargazer been showing uss a lot of amazing art and been just adorable and fun.

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Painting of

Inkyween day 4 ''Haunted Expensive Cheese''

Been planning on painting Sara for a while now! Very happy with the result! She and showed me around some hillarious maps yesterday too. <3

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