damn im a day late for who cares shoutout to the Dynamo Roller thanks for the independence homie💥

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It’s today! (March 1st)

My wheelchair gives me freedom to go places I otherwise wouldn’t be able to visit.

It gives me independence and helps me with pacing and controlling my pain better.

Plus it’s awesome and purple 😁

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On celebrate the freedom give those who use them w/these books!
DANCING WITH DADDY https://t.co/eS5BuiVeUT
LONE WOLF https://t.co/U8BA6nsmao
AWESOMELY EMMA https://t.co/7Bo0B6jT4j

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Since it’s here are some of the best superheroes in wheelchairs! ♿️

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It's so let's create a thread of - all those little tips and things no-one tells us that all wheelchair users need to know!

Here's one to start: Do not leave your wheelchair cushion in the car in sub-zero temperatures.

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